TVHB recognizes the need to upskill our staff to keep up with the times and sustain the company’s growth. Management of the group’s subsidiary is encouraged to take up courses relevant to their duties, fully sponsored by the company. To date, the following senior managers are furthering their studies part-time.
• Staff Welfare
To foster a healthy lifestyle and better working relationship, subsidiaries of TVHB organizes recreational activities for the staff members. The recreational activity and frequency is decided among the staff members themselves, with the expenses covered by the Company.
• Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy adoption
The Group has introduced the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (“ABAC”) Policy and its Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) to align with the Guidelines on Adequate Procedures and Malaysian Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Act 2018 in early 2020. The Group has engaged an external consultant to guide the Group on the adoption and implementation of the ABAC policy within its existing SOP and also toward the certification under ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System. And to educate the Group’s workforce on the adoption of the ABAC policy, a series of trainings on Anti-Bribery and Corruption were also held for the directors, steering committee and managers.
• Operational Audits
As an extension to our group carrying out internal audit for execution of ABAC policy, our subsidiaries have begun interdepartmental audits monthly to strengthen and improve our operational processes. Both executive and managerial staff would take turns to audit and be audit to work closely and close the understanding gap between departments for a smoother operation. A tighter control has been enforced to the purchasing, sales and store processes, resulting in a looser cash flow and lesser stock inventory.